Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Opinion Editorial: Chlild Labor in India

Child Labor in India
In an effort to improve its economic status India has abused the most precious resource we as humans have children. Currently this nation needs international support to resolve this issue. The countries government needs help starting programs from a grass roots level in order to fully combat this problem.
According to statistics given by the Indian government there are 20 million child laborers in the country while other agencies and organizations such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report that the number is closer to 60 million. Senator Dan Burton a member on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Tom Harkin the presenter of the Child Labor Deterrence Act, a bill that was meant to prohibit the importation of products using child workers with governments that trade with the United States but the government did not pass it for unknown reasons although this bill would’ve helped combat child labor a great deal. The Child Labor Deterrence Act also included that the United stated contribute to the UNICEF and the ILO.
Child labor is a human rights issue many believe that because there country is developed and child workers are not surrounding them that it is not something that needs to be bothered by but that thought is wrong. Child labor is not just the problem of third world countries but a global issue that we all should be concerned about. The United States is one of the very few members of the United Nations the only other country being Somalia that has yet to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This convention requires its ratifyers to report and appear before the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child once a year and be evaluated on their progress regarding children’s rights. By not signing this treaty the U.S. government is telling the world that the rights of children are not high on its priority list and telling people of the U.S. that child labor is something that they don’t need to be concerned about. Also the United States neglected to publicize the Global March Against Child Labor a huge movement that motivated many people and organizations to join the battle against child labor. This march took place in numerous major cities in the world and shed a much needed light on child labor and slavery. By not drawing media attention to this issue the US has continued to tell its citizens and the world that the issue is not something of importance.
The United States has continuously failed to show that the issue of child labor is not something of importance. Since the government is does not express the much concern it is up to its citizens to effectively combat it and show the government that this issue is of great importance.

Petition to End Child Labor in India

To: Congressman Dan Burton
India needs to amplify penalties for people that use children as workers to increase the prevention of child labor. India cannot do this alone they must be assisted by a developed country such as the United States in order for the Indian children to have any hope in stopping this vicious cycle. The United States and other developed countries play a vital role in aiding the elimination of child labor in India because they have the resources to do so. Please sign my petition to encourage the Indian government to increase penalties for those that use child workers and to encourage developed countries to become more involved in India’s efforts to end child labor.
Dominque Bryant


Child Labor in India: letter to official

To Dan Burton of Indiana, member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, ranking member of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, Ranking Member.
Dear Honorable Congressman Dan Burton of Indiana,
I am writing this letter to discuss our government’ s lack of focus on child labor in international countries specifically, India. I am also displeased by the fact that our government has the necessary resource to stop, or at least hinder child labor yet little has been done to do so. Bills such as the Child Labor Deterrence Act have been introduced into Congress, but have not been passed. The Act according to the bill’s introducer “Prohibit the importation of products that have been produced by child labor and included civil and criminal penalties for violators.” Other bills have also been introduced into congress that would help child workers stay off the streets by providing them with a pension and starting programs for the children and parents and none have been passed. The government of India has set up National Child Labor Projects that are intended to provide non-formal education, vocational training, and nutrition to Indian youth that are withdrawn from employment but India needs more help from the United States to have a significant effect on India’s child labor policies. I urge Congress to pass this bill. I also would like Congress to look at child labor from a child worker’s perspective. There are 60 million child laborers in India,who are abused, tortured, and beaten because they have to work to support their family or have been sold as a means for their familes income. They are also forced to work obscene hours often from morning to night that the average American would consider absurd to work especially for a young child.
I would like to push Congress to help the children of India and free them of inhumane task , and allow them to have a complete childhood. The length of one’s childhood should not be determined by the location of their birth. The government of the United Stated of America should be helping India in their efforts to prevent child labor because it is not something that can be done alone. Starting programs to help provide jobs for the parents would gravely influence the prevention of child labor in India. Also pressuring the Indian government to strictly enforce child labor laws would help its prevention.
If we, as Americans can look upon other governments and custums and determine whether or not their actions are acceptable, then we should do something to change it. Although these children are not Americans, they are children of the world and their cries can no longer go unheard.
Sincerely, Dominque Bryant

Friday, December 18, 2009

Abstract on Child Labor in India

Abstract on Child Labor in India
In my Government/Sociology class I was assigned a project regarding resource management. A requirement of this project was to thoroughly research a resource of my choice. I chose to focus on child labor specifically in India. After carefully researching I found that children have been severely mismanaged and exploited in India. I urge congress to help the children of India and free them of inhumane task by assisting the Indian government in their efforts to end child labor.
Children in India are currently being mismanaged by the people of India. India has laws against child labor that are meant to ensure children’s safety but have yet to enforce those laws. Although there are laws that have are meant to prevent the explanation of Indian to ensure children the government is going to need way more help to ensure their safety. The current laws regarding child labor fail at ensuring safety to children fourteen years and older at guaranteeing the safety of those children under fourteen. India lacks the resources to ensure child safety; they must be helped by a developed country that has combated it such as the United States to start child labor reform from a grass roots level. Some reasons why this issue is so hard to combat is because many employers believe that the law does not apply to them because they consider themselves “good employers” and many believe that child labor is necessary for combating extreme poverty. Too many children there is no alternative, its either child labor or poverty.
Jasmine Khatoom an eight year old child worker, states that she has often been abused by her employers for minuscule reasons such as simply being forgetful and works from hours before dawn till 11 at night daily. Sadly she is just one of the 60 million children in India that labor for extremely long hours for low to no pay. Unfortunately these children may never have a chance at becoming anything but a laborer continuously working for countless hours for meager pay.
I encourage a reform that consists of programs that provides therapy and activities for children who have escaped child labor and that provide jobs for the parents. The child labor reform should also include the prosecution of all that use children as a means of labor to discourage the hiring of children. I also would like to urge developed countries to jump start this reform by assisting the Indian government.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Biography of Jeremy White

If you were to look at Jeremy White you most likely then not see a white collar worker who seems to do everything by the book but people aren’t always as two dimensional as they may initially seem. If you looked at him you wouldn’t know that he is a self proclaimed music lover and pours his heart and soul into his drumming. You also wouldn’t know that he is a “mommas boy” or about his extremely severe fear of sharks.

Having a modest disposition, White credits his musical achievements to his best friend and neighbor. Jeremy’s best friend was a year older then him and at the age of eight he was allowed to go attend music class and play the drums which greatly influence White’s desire to play. As Whites musical talent developed he joined a band in high school and after had the opportunity to experience one of his other loves, traveiling after joining “Revolution Smile” a band that had the chance to tour in Japan. White shortly left the music industry because of the callous and uncaring people that were often hard to avoid and pursued a career a career in financial planning.

White say he chose to pursue financial planning because he found great joy in helping other thanks to his mom whom he strives to imitate. He stated “My mom is the most caring and considerate person I know. She is always more focused on other peoples needs rather then her own.”

When asked were he thinks hell be in ten years White replied r, “Hawaii maybe I’ll still live in San Diego, I don’t really know.” Theirs no way to be sure with his strong sense of adventure and love of trying new things but he knows hell be happy doing whatever it may be.

The United States Involvement In North Korea

I recently watched a documentary titled “Escaping North Korea”. This documentary is about North Korean refugees who are trying o escape the horrible conditions of North Korea and escape to South Korea or China in hopes of a better life. Even though the South Korean Government states that if any North Korean can get there they will be recognized as South Korean, North Koreans are still not fully accepted and must deal with the prejudices of the South Korean people. Only a handful of North Korean refugees live in the United States and I’m really hurt by the fact the United States has the resources to help these people but we haven’t because of previous conflicts that have nothing to do with the North Korean people themselves but t rather there mistrust in the North Korean government. If the condition of North Korea is going to change then United States involvement is undoubtedly necessary.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Barter and Rasfir

Once upon a time their was a little Indian boy named Rasfir. Rasfir would write stories about an adventurous boy and had his trusty dog sidekick Barter. This boy went to an amazing places to amazing places that Rasfir had only read about in books. The boy went to Egypt to uncover the of the missing mummy.he went to Saudi Arabia to find the 1,000 year old missing mummy, he went to New York to uncover the mystery of Lady Liberties missing torch. Barter the Wonder Dog was no ordinary dog, he had the power of flight but only if the person riding him was wearing a magical orange turban. One night Rasfir had just finished his latest story The Infamous Ghost of the Eiffel Tower. He took off his stained and tattered clothing and laid the cold wet ground with all the other children that live din the orphanage. Slowly he began to drift into a deep sleep. Shortly he felt something wet on his hand and became frightened he jumped up and as his eyes adjusted to the dark he saw a dog standing before him. Rasir started to scream but he didn't want to wake up the evil orphanage director or the other children so he just stood there and stared at the dog and the dog stared back. Rasfir thought that it couldn't be Barter because Barter was just a character in his stories:he thought that maybe he was just a stray that somehow wondered into the orphange but how could a dog get through a locked door? There was no answer but he still didn't believe that this dog cold possibly be Barter. After 10 seconds of the staring game the dog began to walk towards Rasfir. He beacme alarmed and started to move back but stopped when the dog dropped an item that he had firmly gripped in his mouth. He walked closer to the object and saw that it was orange. Rasfir thought that couldn't be the magic orange turban. Rasfir picked it up and examined it. The item was without a doubt an orange turban. Rasfir placed the turban on his head and began to stare at the dog. The dog slowly walked toward him and began to lick his hand. Rasfir began to [at him on the head and spoke his first words to the dog "Well Barter I guess it's time to go." Rasfir climbed on Barters back and Barter began to run at full speed towards the window. Rasfir began to think that maybe he made the wrong decision and started to panic. t that very moment Barter jumped out of the window. Rasfir screamed which woke the children in the orphanage. The children looked toward the window and watched as Barter and Rasfir disappeared into the starry night.